Location and Parking
Cornerstone is located at 312 Geneva Rd. in Glen Ellyn. Parking is located on the north side of the property, so you won't see the parking lot from Geneva Rd. Please note that we have one drive for entering and another driveway for exiting the property.
Children & Middle School
Families with children are asked to stop by the kids desk to check them in. The kids join us for the first part of the worship service (the singing). After about 20 minutes, the kids will be dismissed from the service to go to their classes. Also, middle schoolers are dismissed at the same time to go to their own class during the message. Childcare for infants is available during the entire service.
Before the worship service, feel free to get a cup of coffee or a donut from our Coffee Corner or stop by the Info Desk with any questions. The service begins at 10:30am and every Sunday service includes worship through God’s Word, worship through song, worship through giving, and worship through communion. Our worship band will lead us in a time to sing worship songs.
The message (aka "sermon") is about 25 minutes long and is how we encounter God's Word. Most of our messages are part of a multi-week series as we approach many different topics. You can check out our messages page to hear a sermon.
Giving & Communion
Every service we take up an offering as a time to worship through giving (please note that newcomers are not expected to give). Also, every worship service will include a time to take communion. All Christians are encouraged to take the bread and juice with us to remember what Christ did for us.